Founder’s Story

On my last big holiday several years ago, I had the intense privilege to scuba-dive with a giant whaleshark in the crystal clear waters of the Indian Ocean. It was a childhood dream come true. I felt so humbled and lucky to be in the presence of this amazing creature.

Having spent over a decade selling seafood around the world, this experience sparked my desire to turn my knowledge of seafood and the ocean into positive action. My whaleshark encounter was an almost spiritual experience that irrevocably changed my perspective on the Ocean and what mankind takes from it. There is a quote that goes;“Once you know some things, you can’t unknow them. It’s a burden that can never be given away.”  I know seafood and I know we need to make positive change for the sake of our Oceans and our future generations.

I believe the world needs great tasting alternatives to seafood. Not only for fish-lovers, but for flexitarians and vegans alike. To further alleviate the pressure on Mother Ocean, but without sacrificing on the taste and enjoyment we all know from fish. With today’s knowledge this is possible! We live in an exciting era of new developments in the food-tech industry. 

My team and I have created a range of products which are fully plant-based and made in harmony with the ocean and the planet.  Along with the products you can find on our website, we have a host of other products under development that truly fit our mission: helping people enjoy great tasting seafood alternatives.

We have an amazing opportunity to turn our diets into a force for good. Please think about how lucky you are and what you will tell the next generations about the Ocean.

Head of the Tribe